Questions to Answer

  1. Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit
    • People will easily be able to find recipes based on their allergies
    • People will have to search less websites to find recipes as our project will have a vast variety of recipes.
    • People can see that the recipes they are using are backed by other people through the reviews section.
  2. Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.
    • Other websites that have recipes could go out of buisness if our project becomes a success. Also, major restaurants might see a dip in customers if more and more people start cooking at home.
  3. Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year: What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?
    • Pros of internet blockers on school machines would be to ensure that kids stay on task during school hours and aren’t doing any innapropriate or unmanaged activities.
    • Cons of internet blockers include the fact that not all unmanaged websites are bad, and because the district blocks a lot of websites, we have to use a hotspot in APCSP class, which can be a hassle.
  4. What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.
    • I feel that us living in a pretty previleged community means that we don’t face the kind of digital divide issues that others do. However with that being said, there are minor divisions here in there, such as Windows vs Macbooks, or IOS vs Androids, however these are very miniscule digital divides.