Calling Procedures

Slide 1

  • A ___ is a named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values.
  • Procedures are referred to by different names, such as ___ or ___, depending on the programing language.
  • Parameters are input values of a procedure. ___ specify the values of the parameters when procedure is called.
  • A procedure call interrupts the ___ execution of statements causing the program to execute the statements within the procedure before continuing. One the last statement in the procedure (or a return statement) has executed, flow or control is returned to the point immediately following where the procedure was ___.

Slide 2

  • When calling procedures, it's important to take notice to whether it returns data, or a block of ___.
  • If the procedure just returns a block of statements, you call the procedure by referring to the procedure name, and ___ the arguments.
  • If the procedure returns some sort of data like a __ or ___, then you will assign that value to a variable

Slide 3:

  • Assume the Temperature outside is Fahrenheit.
  • The procedure convertFahrenheit is intended to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
def convertFahrenheit():
    # code goes here

Developing Procedures

Slide 8:

Picking a ___ name is important in case you revisit the code later on (separate words with capitals) There are 2 different types of procedures- ones that return a value and those that simply execute a block of statements Steps of developing procedure: picking a useful name, thinking of parameters (what data does the procedure need to know), making a flowchart or writing procedure in pseudocode, and actually developing the procedure.

Slide 9:

In this example, a teacher is writing a program that will replace the grade on a previous quiz if the new grade is better than the previous.

  • What would be a good name for this procedure?
  • What parameters do we need for this procedure?
  • Try writing this procedure out in python based on the pseudocode

Procedural Abstraction

  • One type of abstraction is __ abstraction which provides a name for a process and allows a procedure to be used only knowing what it does and not how it does it
  • This is very helpful in managing __ in a program
  • Subdivision of a program into separate subprograms is called __
  • A procedural abstraction may extract shared features to generalize functionality instead of duplicating code. This allows for program reuse, which helps manage complexity
  • When a pre-written procedure is called, you don’t necessarily need to know the details of this, just what it does and how to call it
  • Simply, procedural abstraction is naming and calling a prewritten procedure
  • Making sure to include the right arguments so the procedure can do what its supposed to do is crucial


  • Write a python procedure about something which can help you in school, for example the teacher’s function we spoke about earlier.
  • Points will be awarded based on creativity and functionality
  • 0.1 points will be deducted for late submissions
  • Submit the notes with all blanks filled in (scored out of 0.5 points) and the python procedure (scored out of 0.5 points) by Monday 12/12 at 11:59 PM.